How to increase the service life of drill teeth?

Rotary excavator is also called rotary drilling rig and pile driver. The rotary drilling method first uses the drilling rig's own walking function and mast luffing mechanism to correctly position the drilling tool to the pile position. The mast guide is used to lower the drill pipe to position the bucket rotary bit at the bottom of the valve. The power head device of the drilling rig is placed at the hole position to provide torque for the drill pipe, and the supercharging device transmits pressure to the drill pipe drilling tool through the supercharging power head. The drill spins and breaks up the rock and soil, which is then loaded directly into the rotary-tine drill bit. Then, the drilling tool is lifted from the hole through the drilling rig lifting device and telescopic drill rod to unload the soil, so that the soil can be continuously taken and unloaded until the drill bit reaches the designed depth.

The lower edge of the rotating drilling tool has a plurality of fixed rotating gear seats distributed along the circumference. The roots of rotary drilling teeth are equipped with sleeve circlips. The sleeve circlip at the root is pressed into the groove of the inner cavity of the rotating gear holder by hitting, thereby limiting the relative axial movement of the two and achieving rotation. When the rotary teeth rotate together with the bucket body, the rotary teeth also rotate (rotate) in the rotary tooth seat relative to the rotary tooth seat through the reaction force of the working surface, so that the wear of the rotary teeth in all directions tends to Consistently, effectively extending service life.

In construction pile construction projects, rotary excavators have always been famous for their flexible drilling, high construction efficiency, environmental protection, and low noise. As one of the components, rotary drilling teeth have broadened the construction field of rotary drilling equipment to a certain extent. Therefore, it is necessary to extend the life of rotary drilling teeth.

The main failure modes of rotary drilling teeth are wear and tip loss. The main reasons for this problem are insufficient bending strength of the alloy, poor wear resistance and poor fatigue resistance of the alloy. In view of the special working environment of rotary excavators, the working environment of drill teeth has become even more special, which will easily cause drill teeth to fail. The main manifestations are loss of drill teeth, broken cutter heads, and cemented carbide. The tip falls off and wears out, etc.

It can be seen that the material selection of the pick must meet certain strength and hardness requirements. Strength mainly refers to the bending strength and tensile strength. Of course, the pick also needs to meet high impact toughness. During the research process, materials with relatively high requirements are usually selected as pick materials.

DrillMaster B47K22H uses 42CrMo with a hardness of 48-52 as the tooth body material (some use higher hardness 35MnB), and Tungsten Carbide Alloy YG11C with a hardness of 55-58 as the tip material, which effectively extends the service life of the drill teeth.

Of course, in addition to the type of drill teeth and their service life, the correct use of drill teeth is also very important.

When using drill teeth in piling, you need to pay attention to the following points:

- Ensure that the drilling rig is stable: the drilling rig should be leveled and kept stable without any displacement or subsidence. This ensures drilling accuracy and efficiency.

- Determine the shape and size of drill teeth: Select the appropriate shape and size of drill teeth based on factors such as geological conditions, rock type, drilling depth and diameter. This improves drilling accuracy and efficiency while extending the life of the drill bit.

- Control the drilling speed: During the drilling process, the drilling speed must be controlled and should not be too fast or too slow. Too fast may result in poor drilling accuracy, and too slow may waste time and energy.

- Pay attention to the wear of the drill teeth: During the drilling process, pay attention to check the wear of the drill teeth. If serious wear is found, it should be replaced or repaired in time. This ensures drilling accuracy and efficiency while avoiding downtime due to drill tooth damage.

- Keep the water level stable: During the drilling process, the water level must be kept stable to avoid water level fluctuations that may affect the drilling quality.

- Do a good job of recording: During the drilling process, it is necessary to do a good job of recording and record the depth, diameter, geological conditions and other information of the borehole. This can facilitate subsequent query and analysis.

- Pay attention to safety: During the drilling process, pay attention to safety to avoid accidents caused by improper operation. Especially when using sharp tools such as drill bits, be careful to avoid injuries.

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